Friday 21 March 2008

As I was saying...what was it I was saying?

My memory is crap. I think I've always been like this but (pun aside) I don't remember. Part of me is scared that it's a side effect of the medications that I am on, but I think I've always had a bit of a memory problem. It's difficult to explain. I remember birthdays, people's names and faces, and major events. It's the minor details that my brain doesn't have room for. Like remembering if I told a friend a certain story or not. I guess we all do that, but I get quite frustrated with my memory.

I say all that to say this...I'll try to be as exacting and succint as possible on this blog, but feel free to question its validity! If it doesn't seem to all match up, it's not because I've done so deliberately.

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